星期一, 十一月 22, 2004

hoo la la~

"A great big book is going to capture your imagination today, and you just might plunk yourself down and start reading it. It's fun to get lost in a world of someone else's imagination. "

The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, first published at yr 2003, is an exhilaratingly brainy thriller.... i have bought both the english and chinese version...really worth to do that...=P

Since i am not going National Service anymore(not until i have completed my further study)....i can have all my time occupy with this fascinating tale after my final exams.... (well....i couldn't help but had have flipped through a few pages....no no no.... i cannot read the books now.....EXAMS are what i should focus on at this moment!)

SInce i am writting on plan after final exams.....hmm....i think cinema will soon to be my second home......hahaha........tons of tons of blockbuster movies are going to be released !!!

Okay... i have to meditate now...

all the best to everyone! ^_^

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SookYing 2009