星期一, 八月 08, 2005


~I have a new avatar! ~

Found the pic from createblog.com and just love it very much...planned to make it the background of my blog..but quite hard..b'cuz all my font colors are very dark...it just didn't go well with the pic...so i redesigned the pic and added in my favourite pic of the blue rose..and set it as my avatar ^_^

~I changed the background music as well!~
It was a duet love song, by Elva Xiao and Hu Yan Bin... The title of the song is 《进行式》(continuous tense?;p)...

basically the lyric is about the feeling of falling in love, the power of love and the touching moments that when u think u have found the right one to be with forever...i love this song very much....even before i met my bf...the first time i heard this song was at my working place last year (Giant,1u)...and the lyrics and music just so enchanting~!

Now i am lucky enough to fall in love with an extraordinary guy that loves me as much as i do.. i want to express my gratitude to all the blessings that we got from everyone...the God, family and friends....

The song is dedicated to all of you whom is reading this =>
and specially to my dear one..

亲爱的朋友们..我想和你们说..我谈恋爱了...对象不是陈冠希, 不是林俊杰, 不是吴彦祖...是一个我相信会守护我一辈子的骑士....
如果你读到这里的时候嘴角有微微上扬...我们很感激你..因为你的微笑对我们来说是一种祝福...谢谢你 =>

5 条评论:

nixonreed 说...

Thanks for the very kind words Emily. I'll keep my eye on your posts and still posts my annoying comments. Thanks for being a loyal reader to my blog.

joe 说...

It's good to hear you found such a great guy! I like the picture and the new music!

蓝玫瑰Emily 说...

i like the writing of you 2, and Sebastian as well =)

hehe..that's the reason i been keep on visiting !!

thank u for all the blessings ..

thank u...


Sombody mention my name?

janice22 说...

wow, i havn't visited here for a while and now i visit again with a sweet news news about you :D

I am leaving this message to say my blessings on your romance :D

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