星期五, 七月 21, 2006

老友鬼鬼——Beh & HuiWenn



Beh & HuiWen 两个小学就同班认识了,上了中学也有同班然后也很志同道合地一起参加了很多学会,说他们两个青梅竹马不为过。。呵呵 

我认识他们是因为中四班上有一个很可爱的女生 Sarah,她是Choir Group的主席。她邀我加入学校的合唱团,就这样我认识这两位牙尖嘴利的家伙(还有JunWei,KinHao,KheiChoong!)。很高兴能打入他们(应该算Junior吧?)的圈子,真的很开心他们参我“讲”。。呵呵。。一直到现在,我还是很很很感动那时候在合唱团的日子,懊恼当年为何我不早早就加入合唱团,不然那么开心的日子就能过多几年了!

很快的,我们就要各奔前程了。。。已经在“奔着”了吧? 哈哈


*Drum rolls*
These 2 persons,Beh & HuiWen are my best mates!
I have came to know them through a society i joined, Choir Group, at Form 4. Beh & HW have been good friends since their primary school times. Very good indeed. ;p We all always teased them as they really looked like a couple. But both denied. That day itself i forced Beh to confess his feelings to HuiWen.(muahahaha) But to no avail. Never mind, i will try again.;p

Both of them are so hardworking and smart! They are among the brightest students that i have ever come upon before. But,i am so glad that they are so friendly towards me, and our friendship managed to last for the past 4years. Those times in Choir group are unforgettable for me. Such a nice period of times in my life. They witnessed my changes, and i observed their growth. Wonderful, that is all i wanted to say.

My dear friends,all the best for your future undertakings.
Keep in touch and please, don't forget me and those times that we laughed together.

2 条评论:

蓝双子 说...

那间winnie the pooh餐厅在哪里啊?超可爱的!!!

蓝玫瑰Emily 说...

blue gemini, it is located at ss2...u try searching around that area ;p

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