星期三, 十一月 30, 2005

i' ll be going to a place far far away...

i' ll be going to a place dry dry the weather...

i' ll be going to a place with the faithful lonely feeling...

i wonder..........

how to take care of my skin in such a low humidity and dry place? this is the main point...hahaha

eh.this really is a serious and important problem..especially I am a girl ya... when i reach the 'far far place', it will still be the winter season...how to take care of the skin?

got friend suggested do not apply shower gel when showering..
b'cause that will quicken the process of losing water from the skin... @_@"

4 条评论:

freddie 说...

lotions lotions lotions... (i hated it, so i just let my skin peeled off...)

put a bowl of water or wet towel near your heater when you go to bed.

dont lick your lips when it's dry. it will crack even more. use lip gloss or moisturizer. (i hated that too, so it just cracked.)

use shower cream instead of gel (or any transparent fluid in that sense).

use a cotton or wool scarf whenever possible together with your winter wear. cold air getting in from collar and neck will make you feel colder.

wear more layers instead getting a very thick jacket.

couldn't remember much now. the rest you can probably learn it from the hard ways. LOL...

蓝玫瑰Emily 说...

arhg! thanks u so much!!!

those information are so useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

六月 说...



围巾手套等要准备,不用很多,呵呵,选些容易衬衣服的~~ 如果皮肤对wool不敏感(有些人穿了会觉得很痒,严重的会起红点)可以选这wool制品-很保暖。




蓝玫瑰Emily 说...


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