星期日, 十月 31, 2004

Your date describes you!

Dear friends.
Below, is an Italian horoscope and you can find a lot about youself just by searching your own identity in the Italian way. What you have to do is to find your group with the help of your date of birth. Date of Birth Group
01,06,11,16,21,26,31 A1
02,07,12,17,22,27 B2
03,08,13,18,23,28 C3
04,09,14,19,24,29 D4
05,10,15,20,25,30 E5

Group A1
You consider love as the most beautiful thing and you love to fall in love, but a number of your group members think that the person they love is not sincere with them. You love to be with your friends and you are always found to be a dutiful friend. You can hardly control your patients, which is a very big drawback of your nature.
The Person who is ruling your mind & heart these days is perfect for you.

Group B2
Your dreams and ambitions are much important for you and you can do everything to fulfill your dreams. Love is much valuable in your life but you always search for someone perfect. You hardly trust someone. Your friends are really important for you but normally you hide a lot from them. You are a deep thinker you always study the negative view as well as positive. You can lead a happy life with a person for whom you care a lot these days.

Group C3
You always prefer mantel decisions more then emotional ones due to this you don't have a limited number of friends. You consider life a very beautiful gift and you love to enjoy its colors. There are a number of peoples who are your ideals and you loved to spend a big part of your time with them. You are found to be a very sincere lover.. You have a perfect control on your emotions but sometimes your decisions really effect your beloveds. The person who has just appeared in your mind and you has decided to forward this mail especially to him/her is your real and special friend.

Group D4
Your always have goals to achieve and you can do everything to fulfill the dreams of those who loves you. You have a sketch of an ideal in your mind and you always search for that personality. Your friends means a lot to you and you can do everything for the sake of your friend, you a normally found to be an emotional personality. You have a very less control on your patients and due to this sometimes you over react. The one who sent you this mail & the one to whom you will send this mail first are your real friends.

Group E5
You are found to be a person who loves to love. You prefer emotional decision more then mantel decisions. You consider life just to enjoy; you are the one who is perfect to call FLURTIES. You love to increase the list of your friends and beloved???s. You have a number of dreams but you never work hard to make your dreams come true which is the biggest drawback in your nature you take everything much lightly.

Within 7 days you will realise a person whom you have known that he/she may be the ideal person for you!!
Forward this to as many people as you want!! It works only for this month!
Sincerly, The Fortuneteller.

* to respect the One that created this prediction....i just copy the whole article to my blog*
ps: i received this from an email =>

星期六, 十月 30, 2004

The Terminal...next monday lar

今天,虽然是星期六,但学校有account replacement class,所以得回校去......
今天的课超难.......有一个朋友...本来不想来的......最后给我劝服...来了...不懂他怎么想....到底今天的课值得来吗...........老实说.....我今天所吸收的并不多....但课真的很难..... ~_~"
哈哈...本来今天决定a/c r.c 完后....和朋友到 MV 看 The Terminal......结果被一件突如其来的事情而告吹了.....
事情是这样的.........课散后.....说好我载一个朋友出发到 MV...另一个朋友,云卿则自己驾车去....但她说要跟在我车后......我和我的朋友,佩思只好在车上等她啦......等了老半天......搞什么啊....都不见云卿的车出来..........一个电话过去.....原来她车的轮胎泄气了!! 她这个大小姐竟然就六神无主地蹲在轮胎前......根本忘了和我们的约会......
我赶紧看看周围是否有救兵!眼尖的我发现一个男性的朋友正在toll那儿付钱....赶紧一个电话过去.......说时迟那时快......他已经过了toll.......但他还是答应再绕一个大圈回来看看可以帮上什么忙....(超好人对吧? =p 呵呵)
等了好像很久后...(哈哈 大家都心急嘛!)........救兵到了......!! 那位车厂师傅工具齐全,三两下的功夫就把轮胎给换好了! 在我们连声的道谢下.....那师傅功成身退~ =P
我们三位小姐.....这时候才发现午餐时间已过了很久,肚子打鼓了......(刚才都没有的啊..=P)......云卿说好久没到KFC了....JOM..pergi KFC la....没有那么多精力去思考了~~~~~女生如果要认真开始思考去哪里吃东西.....恐怕马拉松比赛完了.....都还没有决定好的......=P
在KFC里......我们有够轻松的........完全不顾形象...大口大口地吃起来 =P......一会儿聊这...一会儿聊那.......大家都过了一个愉快的下午....虽然没有看到戏........

PS:大家一定认为是云卿请我和佩思吃KFC吧...以报答我们舍命佩小姐吧......才没有呢!!! 这位大小姐还倒欠我和佩思每人RM10.....哈哈....因为她带不够钱.....
PS: 其实我一向来出门都没有带荷包的习惯的............如果有驾车....顶多带电话和license,ID card......身无分文的........我知道你们已经在骂了........我知道我知道...很危险....不过自从前天开始...........因为一个人一件事.....我以后出门都会带钱了!=P 经过云卿这件事.....我更加会警惕自己以后出门一定要带钱!

**L O V E A T T I T U D E**

To find your love attitude number, add your birth month and your birth
date together. Keep reducing it until it's a single digit.
Example: August 20
> = 8 + 20 = 28
> = 2 + 8 = 10
> = 1 + 0 = 1
> Thus, the love attitude number is = 1

> 1
You're charming imaginative and independent. Usually your style is ahead of others, you know what's in and what's way out. Sometimes
you're a little too aggressive when it comes to pursuing a love interest. You've a way of drawing attention wherever you go and this dramatic
flare usually attracts the strongest guys. Your competitive nature either draws or repels guys/gals but those who can't handle your power aren't
your type anyway. At times you can b! e possessive, manipulating and
demanding with your friends and in love relationships. You like guys/gals with lots of intelligence and knock them dead good looks
don't hurt either.

> 2
Your love nature is sentimental, romantic and kind. Your easygoing,
mild manner allows almost everyone to feel very comfortable with you -
especially shy guys/gals. Your modesty and tact enable you to get along
easily with both sexes. You're a natural peacemaker and can be very
persuasive with words, which helps you to gain the respect of your
classmates. You can also be too sensitive at times, and your greatest
drawback is a lack of confidence to stand up for yourself in conflict.
Your favorite type of guy/gal is a gentle, affectionate one who is also
strong and playful. A great sense of humor is also a must. A guy/gal
who loves to listen to music and dance should rank high on your list of
favorites, too.

> 3
You're imaginative, fun-loving, trill-seeking and expressive. You're
so charming that you attract many friends and you're almost never
lacking guys/gals. In your earlier years, you maybe totally shy and
self-conscious, but you'll lose those qualities in the high-school
years. You can be sort of vain or even a bit of a show-off when you get
caught up in exciting events in your life, but you usually redeem
yourself in some playful way before you lose a friend. Jealousy shows
its ugly head sometimes, but generally you aren't affected by it unless
your guy tries to provoke it. In the guy department, you refer the
athletic or artistic types. You're in absolute heaven when you find
both of those qualities in the same guy. When you're looking for love,
a guy who can make you laugh scores points, big time!

> 4
You tend to be loyal, dedicated and good-hearted. You're one of the
most diligent students when you really try, and you tend to make your
schoolwork a priority. You also express those same qualities in your
love relationship. No one is more faithful and trusting than you. In
fact, those tendencies can be a little negative in your romantic life.
It give you the respect and love you deserve. You can be stubborn and a bit of a troublemaker if the mood strikes you but you can usually dig
yourself out of that hole just in time to stay out of major trouble.
You usually fall for extremes when choosing a love mate - he/she is
good-looking, too, but that's not a major consideration for you.

> 5
Your love attitude is adventurous, charismatic and spontaneous. You're
creative and adaptable, and you can come up with the most exciting and
sometimes daring things to do. Your quick intelligence and way with
words help get you out of the problems that come with being flirtatious
and laying hard to get. You need to pay close attention to your
personal values because you love to try new and different things and
easily go along with the crowd and the consequences can put extra strain
on your relationship with a boy/girl. You like guys who have great bodies
and good looks, along with exceptional brain and high grades. It helps if
they're highly athletic or involved in as many activities as you,otherwise
you might get bored! Variety is the key to your love attitude number.

> 6
You're warm, loving, devoted and affectionate. Your outgoing, thoughtful nature attracts many boyfriends/girlfriends to you, and usually some of the nicest guys too. Because of your need to care, you can end up in a
relationship that requires too much care-taking to make it balanced. Since home and family play important roles in your life, you're unlikely to be attracted to guys/gals who your parents wouldn't like. Sometimes you've a slight jealous streak but it doesn't last long. Some people with this love attitude number are prone to making ha! rsh judgments of others, especially when others don't share your set of values. You're especially attracted to the good looking, boy-next-door type who is smart as well as a gentleman.

> 7
Your love nature is thoughtful, poetic, mystical and mysterious. A few
people with love attitude number seven are class clowns, and they
usually attract guys/gals who like to be given a hard time. But most of
you are the quiet, reserved types who dislike calling attention to
yourself. Your type generally attracts guys who feel the same way you
do. Your defined, independent and secretive nature is very alluring to
certain guys/gays. At times, you can also be somewhat fault-finding and
a little demanding in your love relationship and with friends. You're
mostly attracted to guys/gals who aren't like all the rest; a loner
easily attracts you. And, if he/she reads alot and enjoy learning, he/she
is especially perfect for you.

> 8
Your love attitude is confident, powerful and exciting. This number
usually makes for a very conscientious student, someone who puts
schoolwork ahead of a social life. However, you also enjoy being a
leader among your classmates and will seek offices or other positions
that enable you to use your leadership skills. Because of this, you can
be somewhat intimidating to certain guys/gals. You can also be a little
too intense, bossy and jealous for your own good. Your love match is
definitely someone who is smart, handsome/pretty and popular. You like
quality over quantity and will usually wait until the guy/gal with the best
attributes comes along.

> 9
You've a sophisticated attitude that's also generous and considerate.
Your responsible, charitable nature may find you attracting guys/gals
who want someone to confide in or who makes them feel secure. At a very young age, you developed the type of personality that makes others feel
safe and protected. You'll carry these qualities into your adult years
and, down the road, you'll be a good mom/dad because of them. On the
negative side, you can be argumentative and overly emotional, and you
usually possess a temper that can make everyone run for cover. You like
the kind of guy/gal who is responsible and impeccably dressed and has
gorgeous eyes and a great body. Charm, with and brilliance could make
him/shethe perfect guy/gal for you.

PS: i found this "love test" from an email that my fren sent me.. i think it is quite interesting....=p.....haha...so i post it here..... if anyone has any doubt about it.....dont come n question me....muahahhaha XD

星期五, 十月 29, 2004

10 Posted by Hello

9 Posted by Hello

8 Posted by Hello

7 Posted by Hello

6 Posted by Hello

5 Posted by Hello

4 Posted by Hello

3 Posted by Hello

2 Posted by Hello

1 Posted by Hello

My S700i =>

呵呵..... 我实在很爱我的电话.....这是一个纪念我们的爱情的地方....

ps: sorry for not providing a perfect link...coz' the sentence would be
very long and made my posts be showing at the bottom of the page...erh..this means everytime u visit my blog, u would have
to scroll down to read my posts...


well...i know that i should start doing something on the assignment......
but today really not the day for me to start doing it mar... =p ....
as u can see.....it is an DESIGNING course...of'coz need to be in a great mood then can only produce an excellent job mah! =p haha~~

A I K~

how to design ar? i got the picture in my head..........but dunnoe how to make it appear on my computer screen ar~

PS: thank u GOGO!!! the AA102 assignment has come to the 4th one edi lor...still remember while doing the first one....i asked u about the elvish.... thank u again for providing me such a good idea!!
i hendu dou fanyare


My AA 102- Intro to Design course last assignment ....and the most important one..needs us to design school attire..........i want to design uniform..... BUT THE PROBLEM IS H O W ??

WHO KNOWS HOW TO DESIGN using computer?
ANYONE GOT FRENS WHO WORK AT advertisement company?

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

星期日, 十月 24, 2004

可以让我欺负的人快出现啊! =P

Posted by Hello
几时我那个重要的人才会出现呢? 被兔子所"欺负"的可爱鸭子在我身边了吗?


Posted by Hello
A beautiful blue rose

我曾在msn messenger 写过我要当一朵有性格的蓝玫瑰...呵呵

Cute phones

Cute rite ? Cant help but wanna have all of them!!!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello


Another pic of my lovely dog! Posted by Hello

Mickey Mouse fashion!

Recently Disney Mickey Mouse has become a fashion icoN!
I always have been very fond of Mickey Mouse, as he and his friends accompanying me throughout my childhood times!
SO needless me to say.....i have been saving $$$ to purchase Cute Cute Mickey Mouse's branded items!!!!!!!!!!!!! =p

PS: the prices are not at all cute......however.....~_~"


我家可爱的狗!! 在某年的中秋节,它加入了我们的家...成为黄家的一份子!=P Posted by Hello

I must stay focused..

You may not be able to settle down enough to do the chores at hand. You are looking for any possible social distraction. Try the best you can to stay focused today on what's needed. The simple act of consciousness keeps you on track. There will be time enough ahead for play.

星期六, 十月 23, 2004


本小姐有天大的喜讯一定要公告天下对吧! ^_^

兴奋的心情 + 喜悦的欢愉 = 今天的我
我会好好珍惜我所拥有的一切...因为一切得来不易 !!

PS: 谢谢你,爸爸的Alcatel手机,在我心爱的blue-i被坏人偷后,一直尽心尽力地为我服务....现在你得好好地为我妹妹服务哦!!

星期三, 十月 20, 2004

Advice for myself....must get to do it!

Applying a certain amount of self-discipline is an absolute must if you want to get anything done.
You are known for loving your freedom, but you also have a reputation for getting the job done.
Make a promise to yourself that you're going to stick with the task at hand, and then dig in.
Confusion may be a problem at the outset, but you're much better off getting things started rather than sitting around waiting for an explanation.
If no one is around who can help you, proceed with the first step of the procedure.


Scene took place on a BA flight between Johannesburg and London.
A white woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess.
"Madam, what is the matter," the hostess asked.
"You obviously do not see it then?" she responded. "You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me an alternative seat."
"Be calm please," the hostess replied. "Almost all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another place is available."
The Hostess went away and then came back a few minutes later. "Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in the economy class. I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there is also a seat in the business class. All the same, we still have one place in the first class."
Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued: "It is not usual for our company to permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first class. However, given the circumstances, the Captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting."
She turned to the black guy, and said, "Therefore, Sir, if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class."
At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.

星期一, 十月 18, 2004


You can earn others' respect by staying gracious under difficult circumstances. However, self-doubts may be highlighted. Be kind to yourself, so that negative judgment doesn't inhibit constructive change. Your responsibility is not to make everyone else happy, but to honor your own gifts. Be clear about what you expect from friends and partners. Relationships do not just happen magically, but require conscious effort and commitment now.

*Guidelines for me,AQUARIUS on 19/10 *

星期六, 十月 16, 2004


"西元开始.我将娶你" 在昨天的报纸刊登完结篇了..........................而我根本不知道那就是完结篇!!!!!!



**Dan Brown 的 The Da Vinci Code 已在我手里了... =P(还有华文的译本呢...呵呵....著作不怕多看!!)**


我呀...就是不能随便撇开心房...就是得等到本小姐"心血来潮"才会update我的blog...呵呵...可是...就是因为这样....我觉得blog很有趣...很吸引人...有它一定的价值...post上来的东西肯定有它值得纪念的地方!!! =>


看了<<律政新人王>>....觉得律师这行业实在充满挑战性及非常有趣!! 曾几何时志愿是想当一名律师...但空有智慧口才...没有vocabulary...哪里可能成功呢! (这儿可不是香港,中国.........哈哈)
过过戏瘾就好...=P 但看着看着...我确实对自己的前途迷惑了起来...无论如何...我知道我有什么路可以走...什么样的生活是我所向往的...我相信我一定也有像<<律政新人王>>里头的主角们英姿威发,成为成功专业人士的一天!
ps: 林峰所唱的主题曲好好听!!!

星期四, 十月 14, 2004

心血来潮~~ =p

昨晚到电影院看了Ladder49! Ladder 49 是一部很值得大家去捧场的电影!! 这部很有诚意的电影..我觉得大家不应错过... 让我们为英勇救人的消防队员致敬吧!

The Da Vincci Code.... Dan Brown 的巨著.... 我没有印象我在更早之前...是否有听过这本书...但自从我的朋友介绍给我后(这位朋友对我很重要...因为是她带我进入HarryPotter魔法世界的启蒙者...^_^ )....我觉得我应该也会被这Da Vincci Code 给深深吸引...哈哈... 单看书名...已让我这个对古文物充满兴趣的人无法抗拒了!! 昨晚到Popular Book Shop 绕了几圈,发现店内竟然有售卖 Da Vincci Code! 呵呵...我会用"竟然" 这两个字眼...因为我以为要到Kinokuniya才可以购买到嘛...以前逛Popular的时候都没有发现到有这本书...哈哈也可能是我没有去发现它eh...无论如何...我一定要把这本书占为己有!!! =P (The Da Vincci Code将被拍成电影了...我想我应该会在外国看...=P...如果你明白我为何这样说..呵呵..)
Popular之行...确实让我如愿以偿...找到了The Da Vincci Code...但还有一本书我并没有看到它的踪影... "西元之后.我将娶你",洛心著...与其说那是一本书...hmmm...不如说是网络文章被编成小说...昨天实在找不到...只找到也是洛心所著的斗鱼...我看我还是得到Kinokuniya走一趟了... 没有办法...这篇小说实在太扣着我的心弦了...我实在受不了每天早晨才可以从刚送到我家门口的报纸追读那更本"不够喉"的连载... 我觉得男生可能不爱读洛心的小说...因为描写得太细腻了...男生可能觉得罗嗦...但我不管啦...我要一骨气地读完它...实在不能再忍受每天只读那么一小篇....如果遇到翻风下雨...报纸没有送来...我真不知道我会如何抓狂...哈哈...相信我...书本的力量是很大的!!
对了!我还要买一本财经书! 哈哈...我要学习如何成为亿万富翁!! (也要我有那个能耐看完那本书啦.... =P)
那天看报纸...发现一本书..."Be a Star"...书中内容是叫人如何拥有自信心...我觉得我蛮须要那本书的.....=) ...如果找到它...应该会把它买下...
哇.....我有好多书要买!!!!! ~_~" 我的书橱上其实都还有好多书还未读...超级内疚...买了那么久...竟然都还未读!!! 书本都不便宜的...实在得找一个时间去消化全部的书!!!

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