星期一, 七月 28, 2008

《HellBoy II》

陪我干爸Don去看了这部我看了Trailer就没有兴趣要看的电影——《HellBoy II》。原因只有一个,人 物 太 丑 了。

很明显,我没有看《Hell Boy》。


我还记得当时我们又再一次“争执”《Finding Nemo》到底好不好看。

我是100%认为《Finding Nemo》是经典,我当年进电影院看了3次的——2次广东话,1次英文;他说《Finding Nemo》是他第一次在戏院看电影看到睡着。然后我就讽刺他没有童真,他说故事太简单了。。。。


我去看了《HellBoy II》。 没有觉得不好看喔!

虽然人物是丑了点,不过凡是不能只是看外表的,他们的善良和真实的情感,还是可以让我感动的。我怕因为我没有看《Hell Boy》会看不明白它的续集,在网上看了看第一集的故事,大概知道这个地狱小子的来历,也知道他有个爱人。

莞尔他和妻子吵架时那句“Just don't touch my stuff.” ,因为美女的超能力是能全身发光发火,在她“发火”的时候,碰什么东西都会把东西烧起来。。。呵呵



总结一句,I enjoy watching the movie.

3 条评论:

Jason Lioh 说...

Haha. Already told you, right?

The third movie is not about devil and human, but more like how Hellboy will destroy human, because it is his destiny to do so.

In one scene, the "healer" asked the gf to make a choice, and warned her that if Hellboy lives, the human will suffer in the future.

Jason Lioh 说...

And no, Finding Nemo is still boring. Bleh.

蓝玫瑰Emily 说...

yalor..that's why i m saying the 'elf' prince is trying to ask Hellboy to destroy the human before the human acts on him.
hehe ..talking about the 'healer'..
look very much like Priest in WOW ..
haha anyway..that scene i remember another quote: "I have ....., now give him a reason to live." (sorry lar..here no subtitle ler..)
that's an incredible set up to have his wife to tell him the news!

don't bother to argue with you about Finding Nemo liao.
let's see anyone want to say anything.

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