星期三, 八月 08, 2007

after 30days of summer online course....

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This is the course title. This is the first time I took an online course, and I bet would be the last one.
I learn many new terms:

  • ecofeminism
  • cultural identity
  • environmental justice
  • ecological politics
  • rhetorical influence
  • minimalism
  • nationalism

and came across many issues of humanity such as discrimination, feminism and culture.
I get to know many leading women artworks and names of famous artists.
I regret for not taking this class any earlier for many of those artworks were in the New York Met Museum. I went there during March spring break this year and I think I walked around the whole museum, but did not enter the American paintings gallery.
Heart aching!

These 2 master artworks are my favourite pieces (The Picnic by Édouard Manet and A Cup of Tea by Mary Cassatt)

I read these 2 novels, as they were part of my course discussions and the topic for my final essay. Both of the novels are as intriguing as the course itself. But they hold my time to do the reading of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (Yes, I've not started reading it yet!!)

Have you all ever pondered why the moon is regarded as feminine while the sun is regarded as masculine? Why do we personify the earth as "mother earth"? All these questions strike me during the course.

The course almost drove me crazy. It appeared to be very hard for me at the beginning. But towards the end of the course, I started to get what Professor was trying to do and asking from us. The experience is unique.

Many thanks to Prof.Woods,whom I not sure whether I would ever get to meet her personally and MANY MANY MANY thanks to Jason.

Thank you for scarifying your sleeping times to help me with my works. Thank you for squeezing your brain to come out with ideas that you never need to bother with. Thank you for still attending to me,while you are having other more important tasks to perform.

Thank you.

Finally, I am in holiday, again!

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

yeah, congratulation cause finally u'd finish this course!

happy to u, cause u'd make it ON TIME!!

n, does this post related with HP? i saw u labeled it as HP... :P


蓝玫瑰Emily 说...



(Not really related to HP very much lar..)

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