A short pencil is usually better than a long memory any day.
当脑海里想起一个人的时候,忽然那个人就出现在你面前。第一反应,一定是以为自己眼花;第二反应,故作镇定,因为总不能让惊讶的表情全写在脸上吧。但是心里就有很奇怪的感觉。没遇过这种事的人,是不会理解我在说啥的了! 呵呵
wondering who was that person.. hmm hmm..which was yingying's reaction? the first or the second one? hehe~
1 条评论:
wondering who was that person.. hmm hmm..
which was yingying's reaction? the first or the second one? hehe~