《头文字D.Initial D》
OO~~~~~~~~~ 我看着这张刚从戏院拿回来的poster....天哪...我刚才(21/6,7点,KLCC)真的看了《头文字D.Initial D》??
嗯。。里面的飞车镜头挺好看刺激的。。。呵呵。。。而且有当红英俊实力派的众年轻男演员挂帅领衔主演。。。想不到不去看的理由。。。;p 但我真的没想到可以在全国公映的前两天就看到了!
*spoiler*(need to highlight to read...if you wish to..)
- 良仪...真的很感谢你~!!!我真的不知道我除了和你说谢谢...还能说什么..谢谢你呀!!^o^
- gor...谢谢你~没有你...我一定不能去看的!^o^
- 心血少一点的人...最好不要去看....里面飙车的声音可是很刺激的哦~ ;p
3 条评论:
Fulltime Killer and Infernal Affairs are great movies by this directing team. Initial D I know is a comic i've never read it, but the movie should be good with those talented directors behind it.
Hey..u really do watch alot movies~~ a variety of movies...
i once read yr movie reviews of Japan movies...and u talked bout Kungfu Hustel...and lots more chinese movie....but..this Initial D couldn't been possible having its trailer on at US cinemas, could it be?? How on earth have u got to know about it? haha!!
the movie is about 'DRIFTING'...revolving a teenage boy,who has the 'special talent', and a whole gang of car racers (all the leading actors are among the most handsome, charming, popular and of cuz good acting throughout the chinese film industry ;p ..ya..i fancy some of them very much~~ haha)
overall the movie is good~ thumbs up! ^-^
there is the english version of the website ya!! ^_^
I haven't seen it, or actually heard there was a movie. I have seen the comic and I know Andy Lau well as he also has appeared in House Of Flying Daggers. I buy a lot of imported DVD's that's why I see so much.