一个从jasonmumbles那里被点名的无聊tag game。
Name 20 people you can think of and then tag 6 people to do the tag:
HuiXin, Junie, 阿呆, Carmen, Daniel & nincompoop.
= P/S : For those who got tagged, think of 20 names and write it in your blog post first before you proceed reading the post. =
01. 荣兴
02. 慧欣
03. 慧雯
04. 慧虹
05. 英辉
06. 秀绮
07. 静娴
08. Junie
09. JasonLioh
10. 健仔
11. Carmen
12. 佩诗
13. 佩芬
14. Sifu晖誉
15. 文斌
16. 峻伟
17. ahSang
18. 伟伦
19. 坤莹
20. 国鸿
How did u meet #14? [Sifu晖誉]
Form 1 同班 。
What would your life be if u haven’t met #1? [荣兴]
I don’t know how to answer.
What would u do if #20 and #9 dated? [国鸿, JasonLioh]
“I would not only freak out, but also pass out.” (yup,I copy your answer, Mr.Jason ;p )
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple? [秀绮, ahSang]
LOL,要看ahSang 过得到 huixin 那关没有。。lol
Describe #3. [慧雯]
有主见,聪明伶俐,不会向扼势力低头,超会享乐,我喜欢和她分享lengchaiS的女孩。。*千万不要给她水汪汪的大眼睛骗到* (hw,please contact me to pay me the advertising fee)
Do you think #6 is attractive? [秀绮]
Tell me something about #8. [Junie]
Do you know anything about #12’s family? [佩诗]
What is #7’s favourite? [静娴]
er...Leo Ku 古巨基?
What would you do if #11 confesses that he/she likes you? [Carmen]
*傻眼* 我会扫自己一巴,分明在发梦啦!
What language does #15 speak? [文斌]
Last heard, he spoke Indian ;p
Who’s #9 going out with? [JasonLioh]
How old is #16? [峻伟]
When was the last time you talked to #13? [佩芬]
hehe,yesterday,we went out together!
Who’s #2’s favourite singer? [慧欣]
Her all-time favourite: Lee Hom
Would you date #4? [慧虹]
Both of us NOT lesbian, we love lengchaiS only, please!
Would you date #7? [静娴]
Is #15 single? [文斌]
What is #10’s last name? [健仔]
Would you consider being in a relationship with #19? [坤莹]
如果我是男的,可能会考虑和国鸿争 :P
What schools did #18 go to? [伟伦]
Where does #20 live? [国鸿]
What is your favourite thing about #5? [英辉]
Wat do you think about #11? [Carmen]
What do #4 and #5 have in common? [慧虹, 英辉]
Catholic High School孕育的学生
What special qualities does #17 hold in your life? [ahSang]
What is the most memorable memory you had with #16? [峻伟]