星期四, 六月 30, 2005

You can become your own worst enemy now unless you have enough creative vision to see right through the obstacles that have been slowing you down. There is nothing holding you back. Your only impediment to success is you. Get out of your own way and you'll find yourself in a larger flow carrying you along toward possibilities you didn't expect.

war of sociology presentation

AIK~.....i thought 《War of the World》 would only start screening on the THURSDAY ...which normally all the new movies do..at least in Malaysia.... AIK...tonight only discovered that it was actually start showing at 29/6/2005, a WEDNESDAY~ HuiWen even has watched the movie just now....okie...now is 30/6/2005 already.....

anyway...... whatever War of the World..i have to settle my war of sociology presentation firsT!!!!

count down to 1st of July~!

TGI Friday's

嗯...今天去TGI Friday's 吃午餐!!!


既然今天贪玩偷懒和父母跑出去吃午餐...他们要去的那间餐馆没开..我刚好瞄见不远处有一间TGI Friday's喔.....就大胆地建议要不要去试试看...他们也没有去过..就给我骗进去了...;p

嗯..就像传闻所说的...服务人员超亲切的!!!里面情调真的很好...灯是有一些暗.....我好怕爸爸会忽然冒出一句"酱黑的!"...kakkakaka....他没有..当我们坐下时...我跟他说...他说:"你以为我没有来过这样的餐厅mer..以前我和你mummy拍拖去几多..." (我晕...)



食物的分量实在超大..............我都没有吃完我那份..还有很多french fries..

结果最后结帐时..超心痛....食物是很好吃啦....但价格真的蛮高档的....service charge就已经 RM20了咯..


TASTY DURIAN CAKE!!  Posted by Hello

Durian Cake

;p Posted by Hello

Durian Cake

delicious... Posted by Hello

TASTY DURIAN CAKE!! Posted by Hello

Stop punishing yourself for imaginary sins and leave the past where it belongs: behind you. Learn to absorb the lessons you must from any mistakes you've made, but don't heap on the guilt for something that you did out of ignorance or naivete. If you never made any mistakes, you'd never learn. If you never learned, you'd never grow -- and that's absolutely no way to live.

No one's really interesting to you right now. It feels strange to have no object of interest, but this dry patch will pass. Right now, turn your attention to other areas of your life that could use your focus.

星期三, 六月 29, 2005


*看kl地区的* (没有scanner就只好用拍的咯)



星期二, 六月 28, 2005

Kai Chew's Birthday

Happy Birthday Ji Mui !!!

ahA~ today is Kai Chew (my ji mui ) and his gf, Christal 's birthday eh!!
hehe ya~ both of them were born on the same day!!! THE FATE has it~ ;p

Happy Birthday ya!!! ^_^

The mixed messages are getting from others now transform into one single directive: go for it. If you feel thwarted by circumstances, be more serious and determined to accomplish your goals. It's time to light the fuse under your chair. Imagine you are a rocket ship. 3, 2, 1, lift-off.

星期日, 六月 26, 2005


The world is small ,small , small !!!!!!!!

Yesterday i went to my jimui's birthday party... (by the way..yesterday wasn't his birthday yet.....just he decided to throw the party earlier..on the weekends..so that much of people could attend it =>)

and ......AND....i discovered that he stays at the same row of houses with my uncle...
(last post i wrote that i discovered he stays in the same taman with my uncle...but ....i never had imagined he stays beside my uncle's house!!)

24/4/2005 Friday~

呵呵...现在终于坐下来..正正经经的写一写关于星期五那天的聚会! (Ahsang说明了是"第一次部落客聚会"....没有post上来..好象有点说不过去...哇哈哈~~)

嗯..是的..前天星期五(24/4)的时候...有一个非正式的部落客聚会(其实说是普通网聚也可以..哈哈..因为出席者很大部分都没有见过面滴..kakaka)..出席的就有荣兴GorGor咯,AhSang咯,June咯,HuiXin咯...及咯!;p 这5个人都是bloggers哦..

此聚会的最高策划人是ahSang (or June?;p)...他们原本预定的行程有"12.00pm 板面 (Cheras Batu 11?) 2.00pm KTV (Cheras LeisureMall附近的Neway) 6.00pm 晚餐 (June家外面的一间餐馆) 8.00pm 海螺 (South City Plaza)"......不过最后因为人为的事故...;p 行程有了偏差... (Sang的blog有很详细的交代..我这边就不说了...我说别的..他不知道的..kakakakaImage hosted by Photobucket.com)

星期五早上college的课其实不去也罢(其他组的Sociology Research Presentations...我的组下星期..@_@").. barring list也出了啦..不过我是好学生啦 ;p 去看看别人的表现...偷偷师也好 ;p Presentation完了..lecturer会问好多问题哦...我们真的得要有很solid的base...才可以不被问倒...Image hosted by Photobucket.com

12点课完毕后...本来是应该有一个meeting(做另一个subject的assignment)..无奈因为需要材料还没有买到...所以就取消了...我和JiMui & PeiSee就把握时间讨论我们Sociology的research presentation..12.30noon我们一起去吃午餐....和JiMui讨论讨论着...我们两个就决定把心一横,等一下2点的TechnoScience Club的meeting不去吧(他赶着回去准备第二天生日会的食物哦..;p..我呀..当然是去那个"部落客聚会"咯) 就这样...1点钟,大家吃饱以后,就各自去各自的目的地啦 ^_^

我不熟Cheras..所以就照原定计划(我和hx的计划..哈哈)..上完了课...就去hx家(Cheras我只会去她那里啊~~;p)坐坐...然后我们一起去回合其他的bloggers...只不过我比原定计划大概早了个1小时抵达她家(hmm...1.25pm就到了咯)...;p 去到hx小姐的家...人家还在冲凉装身呢....kakakakaImage hosted by Photobucket.com

1点40分hx就问我要不要过去LeisureMall那里...我就觉得还早(我就觉得另一边的人不会那么早到...虽然说是2点的room booking time... kakkakakakaa)

hx: "不要过去啊?"
emily: "还早啦...我们不是说要迟去早退,让人留下印象深刻??(狂笑 ;p)"
hx: "你的头,我们要有时间观念啦!!给人留下不好的印象就有.."
emily: "不用紧的啦...反正主角都不是我们,不过这是我们第一次一起去唱歌eh!!!!真兴奋!!(深情地看着hx..wahhahaha)"
hx: "是啦~~~!我也没有听过你唱歌!"
emily: "我们要开声先!!!"

*开声是歌咏里的专业术语,大概是warm up喉咙,等正式表演时可以表现地更好...比如说可以飙到更高的key~~走音的机率也会低一点啦;p*
[省略我们讨论要一起唱什么饮歌...+ yi yi o o 的开声过程]
JJ林俊杰随专辑附送的no.89757项链 及Redang的souvenir!!! hx..你啊..怎么会买souvenir给我呢..我不是才从Redang回来吗?不过我真的很感动啦!!!!!!!!!Image hosted by Photobucket.com 谢谢你呀!!]

emily: "慧欣,你一定没有想到这次的聚会会选在你的地盘ler!"
hx: "是啦..如果不是这样..我可能也不能出席咯~!不过真的没有听过什么板面喔.."
emily: "等一下问June在哪里啦..我们改天去吃!!June住batu 11那边...我的一个啊姨住batu 9.."
hx: "我不会什么batu-batu的...哈哈!"
emily: "是mer~?!你家上去一点就是batu-batu了咯!!哈哈!"
hx: "你和June很熟的啊?"
emily: "和你一样..都是看过她的文字咯..msn也有chat过几次..去英国读书的哦..不过不是念她想读的系.."
hx: "我也看到她这样写...那等一下不就是我一个外人咯!!我都没有见过其他人.."
emily: "哈哈~!! 你不用怕...我gorgor 和ahSang 也没有见过June姐姐的..kakakaka...今天会是他们第一次见面!不过他们认识很久了咯...有通过电话之类的.. 所以今天你不是一个陌生人!哈哈 我也很期待见June哦~"
hx: "真的啊?他们没有见过的啊??"
emily: "我也是昨晚才知道的!慧欣..真的很感谢你陪我去哦!真的很感谢!!"
hx: "嘿嘿...你ah gor我只听过..也没有见过.."
emily: "等一下见咯!哈哈"
hx: "要不要走啦?"
emily: "酱早meH....?"
hx: "1点55分了啦!!"
emily: "okay lar..我坐你车..还是两辆车去?"
hx: "你喜欢咯...坐我车就等一下5点我们就要出来了..我载你回来..不然就.."
emily: "叫他们载我回来你这边拿车!"
hx: "是啦..怎样?"
emily: "我坐你的车去先啦....等一下再看怎样... WEI,刚才你说会有人丢石头去车镜啊???你快点去看看我的车park那边有没有问题!!(和hx一起去门口看我park在不远的车)
hx: "那边应该是okay啦..."
emily: "你说的啊..." (怀着忐忑不安的心情坐上了hx's的爱车出发去Neway...)

我这个大乡里没有去过LeisureMall...hx就尽地主之谊带我走一走LeisureMall.....(啊~~刚才parkinglot一下子就找到了位子..呵呵...hx, yr reverse parking skill very sai lei ler! but i still not that fancy reverse parkingImage hosted by Photobucket.com kakakakaka)

找到了Neway(座落在LeisureMall后面和大同饭店同一个building)..来到了reception point..是时候call gorgor问房间几号啦.....结果得到的是"我们还在来着的路途..." hx就在那边笑着..."本来会迟到的我们变成最早到ho!"..最后当然是我们两个一起笑个不停啦!

就这样..我们在其他人还未到来的40分钟(sang,没有1个小时那么多啦!!)里开始唱歌先...享受我们的2人世界....kakakkaka...有王力宏动人的《forever love》拉开序幕;p....林俊杰深情的《一千年以后》...非唱不可的《劲歌金曲》....我们唱到站起来乱跳的《你的微笑》(还真爽!!!kakaka).....就在准备唱《唯一》时....gor打电话来问房间号码...没多久..门开了...哇...贵宾来临咯!^_^

大家互相介绍认识以后...eih....多了一个很斯文亮丽的女生o!! 原来是June的好姐妹,丽萍~~ 呵呵...June姐姐给我的感觉真的好像大姐大那样..豪迈爽朗...(June,希望我不是只看到你表面的开朗,okay? ;>)...ah sang呢...哈哈...不是怎样发福啦..虽然看他的blog好像整天都在吃的..kakakaka..ah gor..不用说啦..呵呵

[互相介绍,加上要躲开拿相机要拍我和hx的ah gor...*我们怎样都不让他得逞*唱歌的时候拍照很丑的啦!!*....我点的《唯一》就已经唱完了...AIK~ 不过我和hx都很庆幸他们没有看到我们唱《你的微笑》那种仪态全失的样子..hahahah]


这个ah gor 啊...骗我哦...说他唱歌"拉牛上树"喔.....明明就唱得还不错!(Gor...你的广东发音好准哦....>.< 唱广东快歌还是字正腔圆...真羡慕!Image hosted by Photobucket.com)
ah sang 好慢热哦....要不停逼他唱的....哈哈 最后被我们(3个女的)拐拐骗骗地大展歌喉..唱到最后最后还没有力气唱了....哇哈哈..

hx 5点就走人了咯...(xiuqi约了她).....我没有跟去..因为那时候我回家的交通很糟糕eh.....等夜一些才回吧 ;p

ktv session 完后..我们一行人去到了Sg.Long 丽苹朋友的家放下丽萍后....我们就回到去June家附近的一个餐馆吃晚餐!! (终于看到了拉曼大学的庐山真面目!!)

吃完了晚餐....我是时候离队了..没办法...家里电话打来催了!Image hosted by Photobucket.com

很高兴见到各位!^_^ 小女子期待下一次的聚会!!

to hx: haha...when June fetched me back to take my car after the dinner...she brought me to the taman in front of yr hse...kakkakaka b'cause i forget to tell her which connaught garden ;p sorrie..June -_-''

星期六, 六月 25, 2005

Chen Sen's 生日!!

Dear Chen Sen,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WO!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Although v didn't get to meet each other much, but those memories when v studying together at 5S1 are never going to fade !!
I just want to wish you a very happy 19th birthday and all your wishes are coming true~~生日快,我的朋友!!

(ahem.....next time when become architect....my hse i'll find sifu to design for me...and my holiday villa i'll assign to you to design for me, okay? ;p kakakakkaka)

星期四, 六月 23, 2005

PastLife?前世? (i get this website from Petersky's page..which he get it from 心的世界!!^_^)

Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Alaska around the year 575.Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics.

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
You fulfill your lesson by helping old folks and children. You came to this life to learn to care about the weak and the helpless.

ps: huh..interesting...... ;p

星期三, 六月 22, 2005

Mummy的不惑之年添二春秋——生日 ;p

Mummy说和Daddy做了二十多年的夫妻...第一次他买cake给她庆祝生日喔(还特地买有两朵玫瑰...浪漫喔...呵呵)...就是图中那个cake啦 ^_^


《头文字D.Initial D》

OO~~~~~~~~~ 我看着这张刚从戏院拿回来的poster....天哪...我刚才(21/6,7点,KLCC)真的看了《头文字D.Initial D》??

嗯。。里面的飞车镜头挺好看刺激的。。。呵呵。。。而且有当红英俊实力派的众年轻男演员挂帅领衔主演。。。想不到不去看的理由。。。;p 但我真的没想到可以在全国公映的前两天就看到了!

*spoiler*(need to highlight to read...if you wish to..)


  1. 良仪...真的很感谢你~!!!我真的不知道我除了和你说谢谢...还能说什么..谢谢你呀!!^o^
  2. gor...谢谢你~没有你...我一定不能去看的!^o^
  3. 心血少一点的人...最好不要去看....里面飙车的声音可是很刺激的哦~ ;p

Cinema Online


i got 4 movies passes for Haunted House 3D IMAX movie, courtesy of Cinema Online too!!!

hehe...but i am going to bring along my mum, my younger brother n sister to go and watch~~~ *i feel so guitly..i have been watching twice the IMAX movies already...but they never got the chance**hmm..my father ar..hehe..if he want to watch..then i sacrifice myself lor *

okie....hope this time i wont drive the wrong way to Timesquare agaiN~!

*litte update 22/6/05: my mum protests that when she and my daddy pak tuo(dating) that time...they have watched alot 3D movies lar...>.<>

HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~~muaks!!!



星期二, 六月 21, 2005


Self-discipline is key today. Maybe you've been spoiled by this abundance of charisma you've been enjoying lately, but it's past time to burrow into a private hole and work, work, work.

星期日, 六月 19, 2005

Daddy, 亲节快乐~~


~about the Circus Post~

嗯...上两个星期我和家人(加萍姨姨一家4口,再加对面邻居的两个小瓜,Nicholas&Nigel)去了一个马戏团看表演... 在the Mines South Lake 那儿....

The Royal London Circus 可说是circus presenters 的佼佼者..但他们可不是伦敦起家的哦...而是由一名道道地地的大马李姓华裔成立及管理的!

这次为配合The Royal London Circus的20周年庆,他们的主题为"Celebration-magical moment of circus~".....其实我们也不是特别去捧他们的场啦...而是因为他们的热心公益,配合我的小学母校(育才国民型华文小学)建校基金筹款,每卖出一张票就拨出一些percentage去基金里....而我们一家就本着为母校出一些力...就买了10张票~~~

所以那天就可以去看到马戏团表演啦~ (以前好像看过...不过已经没有印象了..)

拍了很多表演时的照片...然后也有作一些录影...以后可以重看,回味啊! ;p 实在很多很多精彩的画面~~~
我去了The Royal London Circus的website..找到了其中一些项目的名字~

  1. Wheel of Suspense
  2. Clown Gag
  3. Straw Hats Acrobatic Juggling
  4. Arabian Dance
  5. Romance in the Air
  6. Elephant Act ? Aidil The Malaysian Elephant
  7. Pony Act
  8. Dog & Cat Act
  9. Step Dancing
  10. Flying Trapeze
  11. The Cat Dance
  12. Liberty Pony Act
  13. Gypsy Dance
  14. Juggling Act
  15. Hand Balancing Acrobatics
  16. Cradle Act
  17. Unicycle Act
  18. The Sphere of Terror

我在上一次post的 short clip 就是 The Sphere of Terror 的画面.....那clip 的是小儿科啦...只是一辆motorbike......你知道最后总共有多少辆motorbike进去那铁笼吗? 是5辆 !!! 你不相信?...他们这班来自Columbia的表演者就做到了!! 他们的压轴演出完毕后,全场掌声如雷~!



棉花糖真的很好吃~~~~!! ;p

我有朋友看了我和Nicholas拍的照片说我好像很喜欢小孩子的样子....还说现在的女生都不怎么喜欢和小孩子相处...我这么喜欢小孩子真难得...kakakakaka....;p 不是我要赞自己啦...是我的确蛮喜欢小孩子的....小孩子那么可爱...怎样可以讨厌他们呢..

不过当然...我家好久已经没有"小瓜"了....未来几年也应该也不会有~所以得空的时候照顾小孩子可能okay的......如果真的有一个小孩住在我家,想都别想! (那天看见我爸妈顾那两个小瓜时..那种把他们捧在手心上的感觉...我,弟弟(17岁),妹妹(14岁),看到都觉得恐怖...我们的地位简直岌岌可危~~)

JJ 林俊杰要来马了!!!



有谁知道可以怎样索票吗??? >.< 就帮一下我吧~

我要去KL Tower!



我这个马来西亚人...就只剩下西马(Sabah & Sarawak) 还未踏足过!! (好想去征服神山哦!!!)


我却没上过KL Tower ;p

星期六, 六月 18, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

"U tried to kill me twice!"- Mr.Smith
"Baby, that's just a little bomb~" -

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com

Mr. and Mrs. Smith 在上个星期四(6月6日)全国同步上映....而我也就在当天就跑去看了!! (this is Angelina's fans ;p kakakaka)


Script writer的写对白功力很厉害....每一句都能引人深思或发笑...加上实力派演员Angelina & Brad 的深情演绎...哪有不好看的道理!! 我真的真的很喜欢Angelina说对白时的accent...


最后...奉劝所有进场看的男生...克制一点...流鼻血就不好啦 ;p

Batman Begins

The movie has been released at Malaysia starting 16th June(Thursday)...and I was fortunate enough to get into the cinema and watch the movie on that day itself!!

Must thank to HuiWen~She bought the tickets...thank you ya...I get to sit at the superior middle row eventhough the whole theatre room was fully packed!

Before i watched the movie..i didn't put much hope...the last 2 batman movies were disastrous..BUT , it turns out to be a VERY VERY VERY Great production!!! Just as what the Director said...Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne...he is the Batman!!! Everyone plays his or her part well..yes..very well indeed....a good script...plus a talented director.....there is no reason that YOU don't go to the cinema and watch the movie!!!

When the credits rolled up.....i started to pray that there are sequels by the same crew of Batman Begins....

The movie is just unbelievable excellent. To pick some favourite quotes.....i would say


if only you have watched the movie...then you could highlight and read..if not shame on you..

  1. "I wont kill you, but i do not need to save you."(that scene is sooooo stunning!)
  2. "Why do we fall, sir? So that we might better learn to pick ourselves up" (a ha~ very motivating, isnt it? )
  3. "Sir, whatever is the point of all those push-ups if you can't even lift a log? "
  4. "When you told me your grand plan for saving Gotham, you said it wasn't about thrill-seeking." " It isn't." "What do you call that?" "Damn good television."

Let us not fear the fear!

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Official Poster

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Prince of Gotham- BruceWayne

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
BatMobile-Plainly Awesome!

These 2 are some fantastic and critical movie reviews blogs that i have been visiting for quite some time...;p If you got interest..can go and read what they said about Batman Begins...

ps:看完电影后...HuiWen和我竟然不约而同的说:"DrCraine很好看啊~~~!" kakakakaa (HuiWen更甚说他比BruceWayn好看...;p...我就觉得DrCraine是帅气,BruceWayne则是很man....各有千秋;p)




1.我在college认识的一个"姐妹.ji mui"....呵呵...认识了大概半年多一年..很谈得来..但就是没有告诉对方家住哪里.....直到不知道什么一个话题...他说他家在哪里.."天哪"....竟然就住隔我舅舅家(我妈那边的祖屋..她在那里出嫁ler)一条街....我每年过年都会那里去...然后他们家外面的咖哩饭店超好吃的..我记得我甚至说要带他去那里吃...回想起来真好笑(在人家的地盘介绍餐馆..哈哈)!!


3.我在friendster看到一个profile...display pic是我很喜欢的volkswagen beetle..奶黄色的eh!我也没多看什么detail...就按下'send a message to'..然后就说我也很喜欢volkswagen eh..希望改天做工以后可以拥有我们的梦想车这类的话..也没有怎样期望那个人会reply的...但注定我和那个人有缘的啦...哈哈..他(后来知道他是个男的)有回我neh! [省略百多个字我们过后的认识]....我要说的是....他的家竟然和我的家隔不超过10间屋子(but有一条大马路)!!!!!!! 这也是后来我们才发现的...两个人都倒抽一口气...因为我们很肯定没有见过对方...我在这里住了7年..他从出世就住在这里了...呵呵..我们就玩起侦探游戏...说一定想办法知道对方的家在哪里...*yeah...at this moment..i still don't know exactly where he stays and of'cuz..never seen him before..* 大家也都说笑而已啦...同住在一个地区那么久了都不认识..我觉得如果没有刻意的安排..应该也是不大可能会说遇到的...如果真的是这样的话..在网上认识到这么一个好朋友,还真是我的福份呢!^_^





她说overall都满意...just我觉得很很很好吃的伙食..她说okay okay 而已喔...哈哈....你们谁再去..再告诉我,okay?^_^ (基本上呢我有打算7月多再去eh...但还是要看$$$..)


你回来后二话不说就用Hello send照片给我...我真的很感动哦!!哈哈....还有告诉我那么多趣事..^_^ (但还是坏坏坏~特地用救生衣遮住泳衣拍照...不让我看你的好身材...hmph~)

好啦..你A-level毕业了...blog一定整天都会update的啦..我在这里和你做宣传!! 呵呵



呵呵....我有一个新手表咯! 紫蓝色贝壳底...很清新的颜色...戴上去斯斯文文的(我是指那个手表...不是我....印象中好像不曾听人说我斯文过..哈哈!)...

希望我戴了这个手表真的可以变得不那么粗鲁啦...上个手表的镜片有些割痕了..这个手表说是说sapphire镜片.. 不易割花...但像HuiXin说的...买了手表就要好好保管...我肯定听你的啦 =>


刚关掉了msn messenger...终于是时候写些东西了...哈哈



HW小姐她很"热心"要帮我找男朋友..(哇哈哈)....她说想帮我留意看看...叫我列出一些条件啊..诸如此类的东西..... 我俩呢其实都知道对方一点点的小秘密的啦...哈哈..但还是很爱开对方玩笑...我说还不想谈恋爱....她呢就说大概一个"大意"吧..意思意思酱... 好吧..呦不过她...
我说: 要好像Edison酱可爱的,要好像JJ林俊杰那样talented的,要好像BradPitt酱有钱,要好像DanielWu酱sexy.... (哈哈..绞尽脑汁想出来的哦)

HW立刻"WAH,你不说我都不知道你的条件那么高" (我已经差不多笑到快掉下椅子去了)
"我会帮你留意看....如果我遇到一个这样的男的....我一定和你讲!" (看到这里..我已经止住狂笑了..而是嘴角不知觉的上扬..我才不管会不会有这样的一个男的在这世上..我只知道我有一个可以告诉她全部东西的好朋友..而她就在和我聊天着..当然我没有和她说过..哈哈)

"然后我会问他有没有兄弟姐妹...如果有弟弟...我们可以做'亲家'..哇哈哈" HW 继续说着..

嗯..我期待有这么的一天滴....哇哈哈...礼尚往来..亲家..hmm......kakakakka ;p

星期五, 六月 17, 2005



唯一做完的tasks好像就只有那天考了Algebra&Trigo 的quiz 加 Sociology一份extra-credits的assignment ...还有今天参加了一个学术性的focus group...

Algebra&Trigo 的那个 quiz都没准备好...结果真的错了一些答案..不管..不能再重犯!!!!

至于那份Introduction to Sociology的所谓"extra-credits"assignment是什么东东呢?
那就得从HELP Institute 被提升至 HELP University College后...American Degree Program(ADP)的制度有蛮大的更动后说起...例如mid term exams 被取消(无聊!!!简直失去了American Education System 的本意)...取而代之的是在班上lecturer给的test(any format the lecturer wants)...一个quiz可以有很高的weight percentage for the overall subject assessment...还要加本来是British Education System才有的tutorials...所以现在要score那科subject变得难多了....
不多说啦..大局已定.. 我们的Sociology lecturer就'很慈悲'说给我们多一个extra assignment...我们有权选择要做或是不做...那extra assignment 可以和你较低分的quiz交换分数(we are having 2 quizzes)...好让我们还有一线生机....
但那extra assignment不是什么简单任务啦...首先我们还必须上网去我们班的forum book你选择要探讨的一个chapter (the whole text book has 23chapters..each chapter is only to be done by one person..so if the 23chapters have been chosen by the others..you couldnt do it...but...the lecturer 'predicted' that there wouldnt be more than 23 students would like to do this assignment... >.<) ..book了title后...就开始在internet search 5个你觉得和那个chapter很有关连的websites...要写一篇短文解释(for each of the links)...加full citation & bibliography...还有在班上做presentation讲解..lecturer会发问....当下听到做presentation我差点要昏过去..上次EN102的power point presentation还历历在目呢...可是没办法...我第一个quiz考的很差..怎样都得做这个extra credits assignment 来博一博了..
okie..好不容易赶在due time以前post上去了forum那里...第二天去学校上课时..好选不选..我竟然被选中是第一个present的人!!! (其实去学校之前我已经有预感了...我看到一篇星座运程说我今天就放胆去表达自己吧..@_@"..)幸好那天有带到有领子的外套在书包...因为那天穿了无袖背心去college..幸好有print到一点material...可以撑一下场面..幸好那天当lecturer叫我的名字时,虽然我没有怎样准备到..我有那份勇气站起来走到前面去...(不过..让我喊一声'天哪'...)

不过..真的不过..我不能总是这样害怕presentation了...接下来一个很重要的group assignment..组员也得一个一个去做presentation的..那个grp assignment搞砸了..不止你可能被当..还可能连累其他组员...下个semester还得拿一个叫Public Speaking的科目呢 !_!


下星期二是sociology class 的第二个quiz...我要换一换读书方法..祝福我吧..没有第二个extra-credits assignment可以打救我了...

JunWei's birthday!!

Jun Wei turns 18 today lor!!!!!!!! ^_^

Happy Birthday ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May all your wishes come true~ and our friendship lasts forever!!

You are always such an adorable fren..hahaha....but ...the same old words...have more confidence to yourself !!


ps: Yr birthday present is with me ler...;p when can give to u ya?

星期四, 六月 16, 2005

Voon Chung's birthday!



虽然我不知道你会否看到这篇祝福语, 但我真挚希望我对你的祝福可以传到你那里去!!

~Happy Birthday~!!

星期日, 六月 12, 2005

Been a circus yesterday night~

the ticket~

*click on the pic for larger view*

Video -> enjoy a little short clip..muahaha...in fact really short..just want to give a litte sneak preview mar....;p

*full coverage may come up later on...^o^~

星期六, 六月 11, 2005

谢谢Go Go

YUMMY! Posted by Hello

今天很难得可以和哥哥见面~!! 大概有半年的时间没见了!!

呵呵..难得他请吃eh...我就去了很久很久没去的SanFranciscoCoffeeShop吃我很久很久没吃的CarrotCake&HotChocolate ;p

thank u ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *little update:要哥哥请吃饭不会很 evil 啦~~ ;p*

*considering to put his pic up anot..muahahahahaha*


妈妈包的棕子!! Chinese dumplings made by my mum~


然后希望有吃到我妈包的棕子的人吃得开心 ^_^


*little update*

Aidan & Quyen' s wedding! Best Wishes to U2!!!

Dear Aidan & Quyen:
Congratulations!!!!!!! Oh my godness..u both are getting married today!!!
I still remember when i first set up this blog...on the same night..i 'pop' into yr wedding blog..and it is well being saved to my FAVOURITE links instantly! and ..the date was last yr end of Sept....ZOOP~~~ the time just flies~ and u2 are getting married today~~ (i am very sure that when u2 get to c this post...u both are already a married couple..haha...!!)

Once again...CONGRATULATIONS and all the best to both of you in the future undertakings...sharing each other's happiness and sadness for the rest of the life together...best wishes ya!!!!


This is the wedding gift i could give to u2...

Wishes from the bottom of
Emily's heart

^o^this is their wedding blog..^o^
~Aidan&Quyen's Wedding Blog~

星期六, 六月 04, 2005

Angelina Jolie's Birthday!!

Angelina and her adopted son,Maddox Posted by Hello

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish u achieve whatever u desire to achieve!!!!

Love ya forever~!

ps: i was half asleeped when suddenly i woke up and realised today is the big day of AJ..maybe tonight really very tired for me... anyway..Jolie, today is yr day, happy enjoying the day with ppl u love!^_^

星期五, 六月 03, 2005




带另外一个手表吧~ 怎知道带没两天又停止转动了(这只搁在一边几天了也没有转动回) 这只手表我超喜欢的!! (买相机时送的...共有4个季节系列,而我选了代表冬季的灰白色) (上次还想买GiorgioArmani大概同款的手表呢...不过最后都没有买到....不过真的很漂亮哦!)



aik...没有手表带了咯....>.< 今天早上8点起来后(好象是8点)...没有手表看清楚时间..又睡回去...(不睡还好..发了一个恶梦!)...幸好9.30会起来...否则10点钟的课就糟了!! 临出门时"偷"了妹妹的手表来带=P 她手表上的时间比我平时所调较的时间慢了15分钟...她千吩咐万吩咐我不能调整手表上的时间...hmm...带了她的手表半天的时间...我竟然有一种"踏实"的感觉..或许平时我的步伐真的太快了?


蓝奕邦 - 《无非想快乐》


:me: "这张专辑好好听哦.....真想买....里面很多首歌都能抚平我最近的情绪....蓝奕邦是一个很用心在做音乐的创作人...所以他的原创专辑一张比一张有水准...这张我超级推荐呀~~ !"(希望我能赶快有$$去买...@_@")

>.< phobia

hehe...any have been watching the 《House of Wax》 and develop the Automatonophobia?

which is "Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being"

All these i found using the net lar out of curiosity...i am not that erudite:p

below are some of the cool & interesting websites:

hehe ;p

星期四, 六月 02, 2005

电影开场前须播国歌 ?

"Cinema goers are usually treated to trailers of coming attractions and beer advertisements before the start of a movie. But don’t drop the popcorn in surprise when you hear the national anthem being played soon."


KUALA LUMPUR, May 31 -- `Negaraku' will hit the cinemas nationwide as part of a campaign to honour the national anthem.Secretary General of the Ministry of Information Datuk Seri Dr Arshad Hashim said respect for the Negaraku had waned among Malaysians, particularly among the younger generation."This is not something new. In the past, cinemas used to play the national anthem before the start of a movie and we want to revive this," he said at a gathering to instill love and affection for the Negaraku for staff of the Information Department and Bernama at Wisma Bernama here Tuesday.Arshad also expressed regret over the attitude of some Malaysians who did not respect the national anthem when it was played, and there were also school children who failed to memorise the lyrics.Even in sporting events, either national or international level levels, there were also athletes who did not even sing the Negaraku when it was played, he said.Besides government events, he said, the government would make it compulsory for the private sector to play the Negaraku at official functions involving government leaders.The ministry, as the campaign organiser, would also ask all kindergartens, schools and institutions of higher learning to play the national anthem during their gatherings."We can't take for granted. The government must implement a special programme to imbue the culture in our society," said Arshad.

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